Cole Hunt

Hello My Name Is...

Cole Hunt

Picture of Cole Hunt

Cole Hunt holds a Bachelor of Music from Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, Tennessee. While at Tech, he studied saxophone with Phil Barham, conducting with Joseph Hermann, and music education with Dr. Judith Sullivan.
Since 2009, Mr. Hunt has been the band director at Burchfield Elementary School in Oneida, Tennessee, where he also teaches music for grades K-4. He was named building and district level Teacher of the Year for Scott County Schools in 2016 and the VFW Teacher of the Year for Scott County in 2017. He was awarded tenure in 2018. The Burchfield Band Program consists of 5th grade beginning band, 6th grade intermediate band, 7th-8th grade advanced band, jazz band, pep band, and an audition group for regional honor bands. While at Burchfield, Mr. Hunt’s students have earned multiple solo and ensemble medals, chairs at the ETSBOA and TSSBDA Jr. Band clinics, and “Excellent” and “Superior” concert festival ratings.
Mr. Hunt is an active community musician and private teacher specializing in low reed instruments. His students have made top chairs in regional clinics including All-East and All-State ensembles. He has worked as an adjudicator, guest conductor, and clinician in Tennessee and Kentucky.
Mr. Hunt is the Past President of TSSBDA. He also holds memberships with NAFME, TMEA, ETSBOA, and TBA. Mr. Hunt is married to Brandan Hunt, and they have a daughter, Haley and a granddaughter, Rio.