Teacher Spotlight

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"Teacher Spotlight"

This week's featured grade level is.....

Special Education Teachers

Mrs. Vickie Mays     Mrs. Samara Duncan     Mr. Dale Davis

     Picture of our Special Ed teacher Vickie Mays Picture of our special education teacherSamara Duncan Picture of our special education teacher Dale Davis

Teacher Interviews

  Mrs. Vickie Mays

1. How long have you taught at Burchfield? How long altogether? 26 years at Burchfield and 34 years altogether.
2. If you could choose another profession, what would you choose? A nurse.
3. What grades/subjects have you taught? Special education, all grades.
4. What is your worst pet peeve? Disrespect.
5. What is your favorite way to spend time and relax? I like to travel.
6. If you could tell all of your students past and present, one thing, what would that be? To always do your best.
7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Florida
8. What is your favorite movie? I like Christian movies.
9. What makes for a “good day” at school? When everything gets done.
10. If you won the lottery, would you give up teaching? Yes
11. Do you think technology makes teaching easier or more difficult?
I think it makes it easier.
12. Did you have a teacher that made a difference in your life? Donald Branim was always positive.
13. What is your absolute favorite song and do you know all the lyrics by heart? How Great Thou Art?
14. What do you love about teaching and what do you consider the most difficult part of teaching? I love the students, I don’t like all the paperwork.

Mrs. Samara Duncan

1. How long have you taught at Burchfield? How long altogether? I have taught for 5 years and all at Burchfield.
2. If you could choose another profession, what would you choose? To be a stay-at-home Mom.
3. What grades/subjects have you taught? K-8th reading and math.
4. What is your worst pet peeve? Whining.
5. What is your favorite way to spend time and relax? I like to read.
6. If you could tell all your students past and present, one thing, what would that be? I would tell them I love them and I’m proud of them.
7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? At the beach.
8. What is your favorite movie? Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
9. What makes for a “good day” at school? When everyone is here and in a good mood.
10. If you won the lottery, would you give up teaching? Yes.
11. Do you think technology makes teaching easier or more difficult? I think it is a little bit of both.
12. Did you have a teacher that made a difference in your life? Mrs. Rogers, she was very friendly and helpful.
13. What is your absolute favorite song, and do you know all the lyrics by heart? Way of the Triune God
14. What do you love about teaching and what do you consider the most difficult part of teaching? I love the kids but hate all the paperwork.

Mr. Dale Davis

1. How long have you taught at Burchfield? How long altogether? I’ve taught at BES for 11.5 years. Altogether, I’ve taught for 24 years.
2. If you could choose another profession, what would you choose? Carpentry or woodworking. I like to build projects. That’s a tough one.
3. What grades/subjects have you taught? Always special education.
4. What is your worst pet peeve? Wasting time, since we only have a limited amount.
5. What is your favorite way to spend time and relax? I like learning about new topics, especially history, and learning new hobbies.
6. If you could tell all of your students past and present, one thing, what would that be? Never stop learning or asking questions.
7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Since I’ve lived most of my life in Oneida, Tennessee, I would say here. Definitely in the USA!
8. What is your favorite movie? I have several. I enjoy movies about an underdog who achieves things they should not. A couple of examples would be The Man from Snowy River and the Rocky movies.
9. What makes for a “good day” at school? A good day is when we learn something new, no one is hurt or sick, and when we all laugh together.
10. If you won the lottery, would you give up teaching? No, I would give the money away to charities like St. Jude and Wounded Warriors.
11. Do you think technology makes teaching easier or more difficult? Definitely easier and more interesting. I sometimes wonder how I taught without it! However, we as teachers must be cognizant that technology is a tool for teachers to use. It does not replace us.
12. Did you have a teacher that made a difference in your life? I had several teachers and college professors who made a difference in my life in differing ways. I am a product and legacy of their combined efforts.
13. What is your absolute favorite song and do you know all the lyrics by heart? I have several favorite songs for different reasons. And yes, I know all the lyrics by heart. I love Christmas Carols such as “Angels We Have Heard on High,” hymns such as “How Firm A Foundation.” Rock songs from my teenage years such as “More Than a Feeling,” and pop songs like “Everything I Own” by Bread.
14. What do you love about teaching and what do you consider the most difficult part of teaching? I love the learning experience, being around the students, and working with my friends and colleagues in the Burchfield family. The most difficult part of teaching is the government mandates and paperwork that are part of the job


Previous Grade Level Teachers in the Spotlight

(Click on the teacher's name to read their interview)

1st Grade

  Mrs. Paige Roark         Mrs. Josie Goodman        Mrs. Tiffany See 

   Picture of our 1st grade teacher Paige Roark             Picture of our 1st grade teacher Josie Goodman Picture of our first grade teacher Tiffany See

3rd Grade

Ms. Hannah King Mrs. Tracie Sexton

Picture of our 3rd grade teacher Hannah King Picture of our 3rd grade teacher Tracie Sexton

5th Grade

    Ms. Lavon Hobbs     Ms. Laura Crabtree

 Picture of our 5th grade math teacher Lavon Hobbs    Picture of our 5th grade ELA teacher Laura Crabtree 


 Deanna Jeffers      Stephanie Erwin   Natasha Neal

     Picture of our PreK teacher Deanna Jeffers        Picture of our PreK teacher Stephanie Erwin       Picture of our PreK teacher Tasha Neal

3rd Grade

 Alicia Terry  Jacob Storey

Picture of our 4th grade ELA teacher Alicia Terry Picture of our 4th grade math teacher  Jacob Storey