Drop off and Pick Up Procedures

Burchfield School Car/Bus Drop-Off and Pick-Up ProceduresChild And Parent Crossing Road Sign.png


Morning Procedures
Buses will unload from approximately 7:20-7:30,
Car drop-offs may begin around 7:25-7:30 and continue until 8:00,
*Scott High Students will wait in the parking lot or on the sidewalk until the Scott High buses are ready to load. Then all SHS students will wait for someone to let them know they may load.
*NO STUDENT should be dropped off before 7:25. Any parent/guardian needing to drop a student off must wait until all buses have unloaded and pulled out.
*Car drop-off may not begin until after ALL buses have unloaded and leave the parking lot.
*Car drop-off will continue until 8:00. After 8:00, a student may NOT be dropped off at the cafeteria. ALL students must report to the lobby by the office to receive a tardy slip. (The tardy bell rings at 8:00.)
*Students will enter through the cafeteria doors. Once in the cafeteria, he/she will be able to go through the line and pick up their breakfast.
*Students will eat breakfast in the cafeteria. Each grade level will have a designated area to sit and eat, Students should NOT be up roaming around and/or goofing off. Designated grade level areas will be marked on the cafeteria tables.
*Once a student is finished eating, they must clean up their mess and do one of the following.
PreK and Kindergarten students will remain in the cafeteria in their designated area until their teacher comes to pick them up at 7:50,
1 St-8th grade students will make their way to the gym. Each grade level will have a designated area to sit.
1st — 4th Grade Students Enter the gym, stay on the right, and walk all the way down the other side of the gym. The students will sit by row and grade level on the right side of the gym. 1st graders will sit in the first row of bleachers. 2nd graders will sit in the second row. 3rd graders will sit in the third row. 4th graders will sit in the fourth row. Students will fill the row up as they enter the gym (beginning on the locker room side of the gym). There shouldn't be any spaces in between students. Please take time to model this and practice It with your students.
*5th-8th Grade Students will enter the gym and go to the left side of the gym. These grades will be able to sit in sections of the gym. The first section will be used for 8th graders. The second section will be for 7th graders, the third for 6th graders, and the last section will be for 5th graders. Students must stay in their assigned sections and should not be up roaming around. Please take time to model this and practice It with your students.
*Students will remain in the gym until the teachers come to pick them up between 7:45-7:50.
*Students should not be roaming the hallways or back and forth from the restroom to the gym/cafeteria. The restrooms will be for emergency use ONLY during this time.
Afternoon Procedures
PreK car riders will begin at 2:20-2:30, Students will be loaded in the parking lot by the office.
K-8th grade car riders will load from the cafeteria beginning around 2:40.
Buses will begin loading at 3:20 on the end by the cafeteria,
*Each grade level schedule tells when the car riders will be picked up and walked down to the cafeteria by the assistants.
*Each grade level will have the same designated area to sit in while in the cafeteria (same area as the morning time).
*Students are NOT allowed to have electronic devices out until they have left the school building.
*Students do not need to have food out eating or empty their backpack out while waiting on their ride. This causes things to be left and messes made.
*Students must remain seated and listen for their ride to be called out. Once they hear their ride, they will make their way to the door and wait until someone tells them where to stand outside.
*Parents must pull all the way forward and remain in their car for their child to be loaded.
*ALL PreK and kindergarten students that have older siblings MUST meet them in the cafeteria. NO students will be allowed to pick their younger sibling up from a classroom, and NO student in PreK/K will be allowed to be dropped off in another teacher's classroom to stay with their older sibling while in the classroom.
*Late car riders will remain in the cafeteria until their ride gets there.
*Cars will be stopped at 3:10-3:15 and told to wait/park due to buses arriving.
Buses begin loading at approximately 3:20.
*The buses will be loading by the cafeteria.
*Each grade level has a designated time to begin walking students down to the gym.
*Students will sit on the right side of the bleachers by bus number. Be sure to model and practice this with your students.
*By 3:20, all bus riders should be in the gym.
*Athletes will also walk to the gym and sit on the left side of the gym to wait on their coach to come and pick them up. NO athletes should be in the bathroom changing or roaming the hallways.
*Teachers will remain with the students until 3:20, when the bus duty monitors arrive and take over.
*At 3:20, a bus will be called on the radio. One bus duty monitor will line the students up and walk them to the bus to load. Continue doing this until all buses have loaded.
*Scott High students that have a parent/guardian picking them up, must wait on the sidewalk until all buses have left before walking to the parking lot to load. Parents/Guardians will park in the parking lot to wait for their child.
*Coaches must pick athletes up no later than 3:20.
*Once all buses have been called, the teachers on afternoon duty will need to go to the cafeteria and/or outside to continue monitoring students (late care riders and bus riders).
*A member of the admin team will arrive to take over and monitor students no later than 3:40. Then teachers will be free to leave.